Noobs & Born-Again Noobs Master Post (4/27/2024)
When I was in SL in the beginning, someone took me under their wing and helped me out, and once I learned enough about SL, I decided to pay it forward. I created notecards I could hand out to noobs. When I returned to SL in 2020, so much had changed that I felt like a newb all over again and referred to myself as a Born-Again Noob. Once I got past the intense learning curve (I left before mesh bodies/heads were a thing and mesh clothing was in its infancy), I started recreating those old notecards. After all, we were all noobies once!
NOTES: As with my in-world notecards, I will update this post as I add more info (and learn new things...because I always do!), so bookmark this page and check back for updates.
FIRST rule of Second Life (my opinion) is to HAVE FUN! Do what is comfortable for you; do what makes YOU happy! There is no right or wrong way to use SL (other than what's against the TOS).
The official Second Life viewer is not overly user-friendly. I suggest downloading the Firestorm viewer. It's the most popular viewer available and much more user-friendly than the official viewer.
If you're newly returned and already have a mesh head and body but have been gone for a few years, the first thing you should probably do is get a redelivery on those to make sure you're using the latest versions of them.